The European Labour Party, has the insight, that Money is siumply not only produced by work - but, as an investment, an expected accumulation...
By actual fact, this is to diusawvow, the fact, that everythging living, as long as it produces something useful,m which is - not desturctive, in a broad perspective actually could generate Money...
'Money, is symbol value, a påroxy, so called 'fiat currency' an agreed upon fungible Proxy... - (fungible; is connected with analogy, two separate physical enteties, gets the same suymbol value...),
A falske bill, would in this case - not mean - that it is not looking like the others... but, that, it is not agreed upon, by the users, that ehgthe flase producer, m,akes fiat currency out of his belonging.
Spo when false bills, without cover, validity, appears on the market - I buty a thing with it and at the same time gets in dept, though unknowingly...
The companies - produce a lot of Products, payed by Money whioch are simply made up, taken from empty spae, ...
This is called 'infaltion..' and the societyy, suych built, send out Money as aid, which criminals seize, , and forms oppressive Power, in foreign contries, ... Then the dept of that state, geowns, until, it becomes clear, that the consequence of this is that practiaclly all politicains of that state - are controlled by IMF, or any other bank, which, by the sin of that loan, with ribe on it, practiaclly own a whole country, like Cypress of Greece...
Here we see the most important thing, in guardning the decision makers Money transferanses...
surveiling the ..etc.
fascis,m, accordning to Kjell , is when the government, puts the possibility of accumulating fiat currency, in the hands of pricate intrests, which can generate currency, by investments, thought to generate Money...
in a co operation, with a private bank...
in a co operation, with a private bank...
'It should be - in the hands of the government to agree, in an investment which releases futher curren
cy into the market...'
fiat currency (open market), has according to Kjell, the meaning of a fungible Proxy, whicih means interchancability of look aliike separate physical entities, having the same value...
The second Point Kjell makes - is that co operation, is the key Word of present day modern hightechnology civilasation, whuich by the pressing of a bottom, can wipe out millions and millions of people...
therefore, armed conflict, has to be avoided, by mostg means, and the population, bear the oppression of 'the state' whicih in most casses - is 'fascistic' in the sense that i prepresents the econnomical intrest of private banks - and - nbot the population at large...
besides this - Kjell makes a queer, statemtn,
the Swedish author Juri Lina, 'is crazy' because he presents only facts behind the scenes, and, no solutions..
I you have a courtcase, it isnät enought with theories, you cannot proov.
A prerequisite for solving a case, are the facts, then in intteligent moinds, solutions begin to appear.
As Kjell - himself states; 'you cannot teach knowledge - (as the freemasons Think), because, there has tpo be someone to understand it...'
Swedish schools - mislead their pupils, who, gets the wrongconcept that they 'know ' though, insightless in the fact, that their so called 'knowledge ' is not applicalble in reality...
The political Point about Estonia - is that - ultra Life dangerous stolen material, from Russian military, that is, two Micro Atomic plants, were trtansported, on the civil ferry, with the consent of Swedish atuthoriteis, , ordered by U.S. government.
That is - all of them are responsible fopr this massmurder - genomfört, by Russia secret Agency - who when the captain Pith, refused to dump the load oin the sea, dyuring the storumy night, sank the ship, with a torpedo , and blew of the bogvisir, with placed bombs, so that the load sank Before the ship, probably picked up by the Russian submarine...), and, the agents escaping from the scene,m in Estonias largest liofe boat, thereby withdrawing the help of many drowning...
Air Force Ones - bedrägliga flygtimmar, påpassad utav stålörnarnas gröna gift
avundsjukans beundrande minar - -
en tystnad - ingen vågar säga ett pip
må Å Bombas plan uppgå i lågor
på vägen hit
där en evig spiral nedåt slutar i Helvetet
atombomber spränger sönder hans lemmar - i evighet...
'en ny kropp blir given - då den gamla bränts slut
hans stålnäbbs vingar nu brutna i bitar
solen igenom molnen tittar ut...
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