Hannika och Hannike Virve, are two sisters whom were taken away from the lists of survivors; on a mission of a big sweedish newspaper Henning Witte, got the assignment, of investigating, the demands of recompsne, against the Meyer Varv, which had been dropped at Court. the cardeck has been prohibited to investigate, and the investigations made 29 oktober, 2-4 december 1994, are uncomplete. the kassetts tapes, 13, 14, 15 - are missing and the time scedule measurements, are porving that hte claim Davce Padeck? liiger på styrbords sida, on Rockwayter, that the jumps ofd depth and time - are causes by the drift of serveilance ship semi 1, are incorrect. question 1; is the depth and time - counted in the camera or at the boats hgightechonoligal equippment. if at the boat, this would oimean, that the trnaferreance of the dephght time details would be counted and sent - form the seadepth camera, the transferrance would in this case, have been interupted, at po and when the ship had returned at position to recieve it, the recornig would have continued. Questoin, 2, where the seadepth camera, recorning on itself; or - only, transferring to recorning Machines, in the suyrveilance ship semi 1?
A detail, suddenly catches our attantion, a window without glasssplinters they crushed.
Rockwater - also had a special tratment of their safe-caopy, they burned it to smokle in the prescence of witnesses, it shouldn't disappear..'
Baltic News Service, 13 Oktober 1997, Arna Valggma, complains about that the Picture on the monitor in his cabin, sev eral times disappeard, though the main moonitor, must have been in Contact with the divers uninterupted owing to security sreasons.
the hole , in the skrover, is suspected to exist on deäck 0, whgere the swimming pool and sauna were placed...
var vet confessed that Estonia - were not built according to the rules cause the water proof collission skott were missing.
Kalved Vahras, were a man who happened to be fetched from the crime scene in the same chopter as Piht, capttain oif the ship, he is described by his relatives as a man of essence, doing his work, and never a superflous comment
his wife, Rith, had a opositive answer and were told that eh Swedish authorities simply doesn't know which hospital her hiusband has been tranported to, though alive!
All persons who werenät unconscious, left their names verbally , the department of domestic affairs, informed the son of Kalvev, your father is alive. but, for Gods sake, don'ät tell anyone about it...!
the swidish hospitals claimed they havn hadnät oermission to inform about the names of survivors, until authorities had agreed.
in Ruths and her sons happiness they had already gotten the same positiv answer from department of domestic affiairs, socialdeparmtn, Red Cross etc. probalbt Kalevs Destiny cvoudl have been different if Ruth and son hadn'ät been overjoyous about the survival and kept their mouths shut
Hannika and JHannike, and Pihht, seems the have the chance, though the herouic character ot truth in Kalev, probablydigged his coffin
Red Cross suddenly informed her - that since 1 okbober, an impermissability of such infomration has been activated.
Peter Polgunan? was a co worker of Kalved deceided together to jump into a nother Life boat, Kalved had a flytväst, and ljus skjorts, sjusa byxor, but no shoes. ' a good swimmer, ' As they parted in the liftboat, he gave an awakened impression. He was a hewavy built were havely built in stature and wihtout a sinlge scratych end of quatation
here the police, makes a fatal mistake, when Ruth is sitting at the police statioon, a representative of the Suomi police, enters and shows a piucture of a drowned person - how - could theyt possible know his name if he was found drowned.
Ruth saw a Picture of a sleeping man
Nextt Days inspection by Rith and Kalves brother of the phoitography reviels blood traces on Kalves right hair line. on left side, a scvar is shown, which seems to reviele usage of a sharpo instrument. on his throat, a swelled bulb, similar to 'påssjukan'
the topsi, had stangely enough already taken Place in Suimi and not in Estonia
the military trucks, which had been escoprdéd through Tallin and its harbour, to become the last viecles entering the cardeck, must have held some secret, wgy otherwise, spärra av - parts of Estonias Capital?
later - the program - off Mona Sahlin and others were vehemently force progressiong to cover the wreck with Concrete, probably to avoid the lost Atomic miscro plants, which the tryucks by all probability tranported onto the ferrie, to make the Baltic Sea a dead one...
an American air plnane cargo, landed the same eveneing as the ferry departed and as soon as i become known that the fferry had sunk it took the firdst chance to escpae, lift?
the Atomic Micro plant first chance to escape (i.s. lift9, were probably bleinging to Soviet now Russia... 28 september 1994
what speaks for the theory that a hole either by a torpedo or causesd by a bomb detonating from inside, makde water flow into deck 0, is the witnesses from dekc 1, who saw water flahjsing splashing up like fountains from underneath. many of these surviuved because, they were alarmed at once; having to climb 7 stairs to deck 7, ewven to escape.
a possible exålination is the demand of Russoian military to dump the load with the Atomic microplants which forced captain Pihht, to open the bogvisir (at the front letting in the cars), under upon ravaging stormy Waters...
porbably he was commanded this after the detonating torped from the Russian submarine whicvh followsd Estonia out of Tallins harbour
these then the bogvissir, was blown away so that the two military trucks could be pushed out Before the ship totally sank; they wre not supposed to be found by the Swedish wreck diver. the undetonated bombs, give us an idea, of why certain ssurvivors, disappeard, maybe, there was supposed to be less...
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