tisdag 14 januari 2014

Maciej Zaremba present some interesting facts - in his book - 'Mobbarna och rättvisan' (the Billies and the justiece'
but - his whole galcvanization of the terrific sibject, - drops with his support for communistic ideas...
it is like presenting a problem - only to draw the conclusion - that the cause of it - has to be supported.
Sweden is a silent oppressive state - just like Sovjet union - and stiftar (founds) laws, that are meant to be disregarded.
out of about 8500 applicatings, not a single one has been taken into consideration.
The truth is that more sevrer crimes agains employees has and are perpetrated in Sweden than the case that brought Helen Green 800 000 Pound from Deautsche Bank in London - because co-workers had causes her severe depression. (what year)
in Sweden - lyers Always seem to win out - lik the "psychiatrists' whose only argument 'lacks pathological insight' raises a near - to - Death sentence _ where a person can be continually destroyed, ad infinitum - in a gang bang of poisounous sperm (so - called 'forced treatmen'
in SAwden - the victims seeking upprättelse, receives the same attitue from the lawgoverners - the law agains bullies acame into existence already 1993, yet - has never been followd. actually never been followed.
the authorities - takes on the face of the oppressors  and mentally kcik the victim even more - to what they presumed from the beginning ' a nut case'
the population is by this manner divided into 'nut cases' and 'normal'
the 'normal' being the psychopaths educated at places like Lundbergs internat school, where torture of defenseless youths - like burning their bodies with an ironhot iron - or fucking them in the ass - is upon the Daily Schedule
and those persons weak minded enough to obey and keep their mouths shut
those boiys are lookedupon as fully 'normal ' in Seden ' anbd gets more support from the government than oterh schools - though - if some you are pooor - and don't want to co operate with thje 'brainswashing' porgramme - in Sweden named (forced) education - you willbe subjected to forced 'psychiatric' treatment  even though  you just started school 2 years agho...
as  you get to the age of 12  you are used to the beltstraps - and - the torture of 'medicine' you never wanted  and isolation up to 7 months a row.
the silnet hidden oppression - of the freemasocin tyest - state today still named Swden being the first country to go tyhrough the five Point program of brainwash - constructed in masonic loges.
is worse than countries where people can confirm torture with their opwn Eyes  and producces (un) fortunately a lot of 'breakdowns' luckily sytill some people have the nerve to protest!
unluckely  most of them end upp hooked up on the godtyckliga willy nilly will of 'psaycxhiaterisds'which in Seweden is a pseudonyme for 'tortureleaders'
so the origin of the problem - actueally stems from the so called 'psychiatric' system of oppression
it moulds the inhabitants o f Sweden 2013, to be like well dresserade dogs - if the y   Yell or bark they will be brottade down. If a college Thinks the oteher does a gruelsome mistake  he cowardly speaks behind theback of thhis opponent - 'demoncaracy' they call it in Swden as to get the piublic opinion on his side
otherwise he fdears forced tereatment
A political Dirty Theatre in microcosmos
therefore - every thirtd person in Seden has cancer ?, a characteological resignation has lamslagit large fields of the population and the second largest cause, after heart problems, of Death in the U.S. is cancer.'
US where the real governing Power of seden today has its seat of Conspiracy, bainging the club.
Almost - the landowners have becomed livegna - if they 'make trouble' a cancdian Company of mines - can claim they have found metaltillgåångare, on the marken and beghin to diug them up without compensation a single penny to the landownders - in return for destroyed water and nature
US military forces practices in Norrland with Atomic issiles giving rise to rapidly spreading mutated virus dieseases
the 'healthy' swedes can best be described as one large Group of bullies.
the leadning bullies are ready to be fucked in the ass any time - by the inhabitatnts of the White House.
just like the oppressionrs in Lundsbergs Sinternat School, once were tarmar (intestines) a nick name given to the new comers, ready to gamahuche the elder pupils any tyime  buy the whistle blow of mockery...

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