tisdag 14 januari 2014

MS Estonia was sunk is the name of the book which black listed Hennig Wittes name, from Swedish massmedia... as I visited him in his summer house, which became hjhis stationary adress - after his breakthrough into the real frithening fracts about how MS Estonia was sunhk...
the black magical consensus of pratically all Swedish mass media that the big ship sank because of the storm,  ravaging the Waters bewtween Tallin and Stockholm, on the night n26 of septembre, has to be evaluated accpording to facts, and if solid then nothing has to be hidden...
Acka is working with a cancer theraphyt, by other things based upon the Health generating effect of clorophyll, extracted in a mixer, from the leaves of plants like brännässla, nate, groblad, maskrosblad, hallonblad, kirskål, etvc. to this, she adds the poisonutdrivande,m substance, spirulina - and other smakförstärkare, like lemon and fruits. this will help the cancer victim to keep his or her hair during the 'treatment'  with cellgifter... besides this - her house ius situated by one of Värmlands most beutifuyl lakes (?) which makes the mind find rest and peacve, needed to overcome the skizophrene attitude, which conmes from attempts to force the mind to Think in certain patterns. because of material achievements like the school of obligation - by force,   gives rise to,
as the dfenied parts - begins to harass the mind by force giving rise to a frozen Picture fixed mind
felt to be surrounded by burning lava...
finally the denied parts breaks the mind barrier, and overflow the mind with chaotix symbols, which copmes in a disordered way - ion the wrong åplaces, because, at their right time being denied - for some people - the unconscious doensät grow ike opened seeds
but ntheir energy flow inhivbits at vcertains places in the body giving rise to rheumatism - and a partly catyathonic state - where the prgon energy thus inhibited to flow through the energy banor finally begins to roth and thus cancer arises - canceer is the physical epiphenomen of skizophrenia, transferred to the bodies own cells - turning aginst its origin - whoile thus - the schizophgrenic state is the thought s turning agins the philosopher.
Kall brand Ann Meyer? USA. mormor, vägrade låta sågas av under knäna bilolycka, Alexandra Liteen...

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