beuty, in Juri Linas World, stems from lov e of goodness, but the profound thought that beuty simply comes from Allah as a blessing, for following His guidance, has not yet dawned on his hotrizon.. Everything does not need to be constructed to fit the Point. 'lawless winged and unconfined and breaks all chains from every mind... deceit to secrecy confined lawful cautious and refined, to Everything but interest blind, and forges fetters for the mind...'
we do not get beutiful by contempting fat women, we do not get inspiration, by exclusively choosing intelligent people as our companions.,. all calculations are devoid of meaning, to die as martyrs our only choice....
the work needsas to be done, Crying wailing will not awake the oppressors hearts , in most cases...
what is needed is resitance, but we do not take the real part in the tragedy, if we refuse to cry...
Burroyughs only loosenes the Words so that our true thinking is spitted out, regardles pof the consequenses.
Jur Linas restoration of reality about Franscisco Franco, Adolf Hitler, and Mussolini, is breath taking, and, we realize, that the lie abut Franco, is hinfdering us from understangding, the consequences which he tried to end, in spite he wasn't allowed to send Spanish troops to help Hungary in 1935, aginst the communistic oppressors, because Eisenhpowe threatened with war if he did.
U.S. has Always helprd Sovjet Union and financed the Oktober 1917
So we recognize each other, despite of the lies, and this love cracks the Shell from inseide.
Schoupenhaurs realization, that energy never perishes, but transforms, if we refuse to take the risk of being jailed for 'Sieg Heil' moving our right arm, energy transforms hopefully, into a struggle of revieling the true facts which constructed 'a Hell in Heaven despite'
if we fear somehting more than Allah, and thereby disregard Gods command, we will have to face it sooner or later, it is the choices we do not make which leads ur finally to face the One we Love...
the coward disregard for Allah command, has finally led ussd to be surrounded by evil, we recognize each oterhs secret leanings, in the cunningly beutyful rays of eneving...
Toivop Kurmet, himself, the subject of Juri Linas latest film, becoame a victim of conspiration. Imprisoned in Estonia , for one year, the probablyt cause, of his cancer, was in the substances his food secretly containged.
Estonian conspirators killer theoir national hero, in the modern way; through poisounous substances, 'te World snake' 'huiggormsslyngel'
Besides this Juroi Linas book, Architechgts of deception, contaings stunning facts, about Adolf Hitlers Connections into freemasonic financial supporters, and what kinds of vitamins and minerals he would have needed insted of Theordor MOrrels (may Allah protect us from the remembrerance of his name), Belladonna, with ojne Word, Juri Lina is a World genius, a Classic, which will be read with ever renewed interest generation after generation as long as his poruduction exists.
Oyster, (skaldjur), have a tasty containment, and beutiful Shell - we cannot recoignize, a pure soul, if we have presupposes judgements about foreigners.
The recognizsion is beyond charachteristics of nations and classes.
Nationalis, is important, the aspct we first guast,d, what is closest to us, family friends neighbours, citites, even a nation is usually too big to fathom defenceing. but the usuage of homogen language, marks the border
If we move to a country, we hgave to will become a part of that nation, and speak its language.
Thuis not simply to fill our pockets with its Money, increasing its national dept, and then go!
this is robbery as stated int he Quraan (sura?)....
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