tisdag 14 januari 2014

recently - a man was discovered in a broom cupboard, locked in. The place is Huddinge, Stockholm, and the company, Aleris, is owned by the Wallenberg - family.
(may they be cursed) The police heard someone banging on a door - when they demanded it to be opened - they found a 70 year old man - whom they had locked in several times, in a similar manner..
The newspapers wrote about the case- and because of this - the staff at the Old-man-home, sent a physiotherapist, to the victim, trying to make him able to walk.
He was able to walk, when they stopped forcing ‘neuroleptics’ on the victim - a substance, which h is claimed - suppresses “psychotic” symptoms - but actually makes the victim insane, and, totally powerless, both mentally and physically…
besides this - he will gain in weight, without having to eat any larger amounts than usual.
The man had the “diagnosis” ‘authistic’ like - the 10 - 12 year olds - whom were tortured for months in Bromma, Stockholm - with beltstraps and forced injections. (Probably, a Mind Control Project)
So the ‘right wing’ motherfuckers, ruling Sweden for almost 8 years, at present, are not capitalists - but - a kind of communists in disguise.
They do - as the plutocrati wants and demands.
If there is something Sweden needs - it is what in common language - is called ‘fascism’ - not the hybrid - between strict state oppression, and social engagement.
but, to take care of ones family, and especially those parent whom otherwise would end up, regrettfully, in the old-mans-home…

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