lördag 25 januari 2014
Svenska Akademin Inträdestal 2011
Kjell Espmark, lyssna till nattvinden
Väj ej för världens dom
En liten rispa i verkligheten
Frukta Allah mera än atombomb!
Peka överallt emot det självsvådliga drag
Som bygger upp sanningen ur kaos
Stig Larsson, illuminerad verklighet
Vredens poet
Per Westberg skrev sanningsenligt
Trots han i från början anställd utav lögnarnas ord
"God" sitter ibland "odödliga" vid Svenska Akademiens bord
På himlen en gråmulen dag
Starrblinda ögon öppnas i tårar
Strålad ifrån himlen
Minnet vårar störtfloder
En vacker sommardag
Periodaren spelar geni
Tills han blir klandrad
Genier spelar periodare
Tills någon tycker att han verkligen är bra
För dessa mekaniskt sinnade syndare
Är ingenting likt er illusions påtvingade situation
Kommer de kalla "fattigdom" för "sjukdom"
Dessa påtvingade namn
Må försvinna
I hälsningen utav en hand
Då nobelpriset blir givet
Utav konungens hand
Han älskade paj
Dock ingen pajas
Väj ej för världens dom
En liten rispa i verkligheten
Frukta Allah mera än atombomb!
Peka överallt emot det självsvådliga drag
Som bygger upp sanningen ur kaos
Stig Larsson, illuminerad verklighet
Vredens poet
Per Westberg skrev sanningsenligt
Trots han i från början anställd utav lögnarnas ord
"God" sitter ibland "odödliga" vid Svenska Akademiens bord
På himlen en gråmulen dag
Starrblinda ögon öppnas i tårar
Strålad ifrån himlen
Minnet vårar störtfloder
En vacker sommardag
Periodaren spelar geni
Tills han blir klandrad
Genier spelar periodare
Tills någon tycker att han verkligen är bra
För dessa mekaniskt sinnade syndare
Är ingenting likt er illusions påtvingade situation
Kommer de kalla "fattigdom" för "sjukdom"
Dessa påtvingade namn
Må försvinna
I hälsningen utav en hand
Då nobelpriset blir givet
Utav konungens hand
Han älskade paj
Dock ingen pajas
33 Iblisa Lust
One, two, three and four, five
Lust was emitted black-magically from his mouth
Novus ordus seclorum
Beat went on
In a trance inside heads blinded by parody
Of 99 names of love
The number of the beast and sex
21 and 3
20 and 4
555 give me more
Sex really free
As pederasteri
In 33rd degree
2 beats 33
Really means sex free
For 33rd degree
Often used as black magick
Like the question Andrej Tarkovskij
Received in Italy
"What is the common touch point of Galileo Galilei and Einstein?"
Big Berta is missing
5 times 3
Demonic Novus Ordus Seclorum
Indestructible part
Blown to pieces
Like an anguished beating heart
Sun, they say
Is one big atom bomb
Which flesh spin around
41 and 14, Albert sound
"They were both wrong."
Means they doesn't fit together
Like an ice storm in dry summer weather
Should we worship the atom bomb?
All bow down
Or the big fart
Blow defiers to pieces
Like a severe thunderstorm
"Me too! Want to be in the 33rd degree!"
"Pity would be no more if all were as happy as we."
"Her beauty make me high!"
222s, book magick
To rape one sinfully makes oneself sick
Lust was emitted black-magically from his mouth
Novus ordus seclorum
Beat went on
In a trance inside heads blinded by parody
Of 99 names of love
The number of the beast and sex
21 and 3
20 and 4
555 give me more
Sex really free
As pederasteri
In 33rd degree
2 beats 33
Really means sex free
For 33rd degree
Often used as black magick
Like the question Andrej Tarkovskij
Received in Italy
"What is the common touch point of Galileo Galilei and Einstein?"
Big Berta is missing
5 times 3
Demonic Novus Ordus Seclorum
Indestructible part
Blown to pieces
Like an anguished beating heart
Sun, they say
Is one big atom bomb
Which flesh spin around
41 and 14, Albert sound
"They were both wrong."
Means they doesn't fit together
Like an ice storm in dry summer weather
Should we worship the atom bomb?
All bow down
Or the big fart
Blow defiers to pieces
Like a severe thunderstorm
"Me too! Want to be in the 33rd degree!"
"Pity would be no more if all were as happy as we."
"Her beauty make me high!"
222s, book magick
To rape one sinfully makes oneself sick
I hate your cunningness
It feels like every gift you give
Has hidden purposes, only for you to win
As you present perspectives of good fortune
A future free of troubles
Be thankful, open up
Reveal and give much in return
Afterwards you try to buy his soul
His freedom of tounge
And push him towards hellfire
Who says his word never breaks,
But takes back all given promises
And keep on depressing acquaintances
With hopes taken back
If over-sensitive ears
Perceive a revealing attack
Rely upon persons no more
Whom with golden promises makes people work
It feels like every gift you give
Has hidden purposes, only for you to win
As you present perspectives of good fortune
A future free of troubles
Be thankful, open up
Reveal and give much in return
Afterwards you try to buy his soul
His freedom of tounge
And push him towards hellfire
Who says his word never breaks,
But takes back all given promises
And keep on depressing acquaintances
With hopes taken back
If over-sensitive ears
Perceive a revealing attack
Rely upon persons no more
Whom with golden promises makes people work
Viveka Maria Vogel - citat
"Riktiga poeter som du brukar bli erkända först efter sin död, eller om 40 år eftersom det är du."
- Viveka Maria Vogel, Krogen Hökens gata, klockan 18:45, Oktober 2013
- Viveka Maria Vogel, Krogen Hökens gata, klockan 18:45, Oktober 2013
If I see
Myself as infinitely low
Compared to the sky
I will grow incredibly high
Grow with ease!
Long for the sky!
If I will think of myself as high
Caught in jealousy's ring
I have begun to long for a house
Calm and peace
Hating these ugly evil eyes
Disgusting fleas
To suffer for these people
I do not cultivate this wish no more
I will just let the suffering begged from me go!
They might be bound by their lies
Until their sinning has died
Myself as infinitely low
Compared to the sky
I will grow incredibly high
Grow with ease!
Long for the sky!
If I will think of myself as high
Caught in jealousy's ring
I have begun to long for a house
Calm and peace
Hating these ugly evil eyes
Disgusting fleas
To suffer for these people
I do not cultivate this wish no more
I will just let the suffering begged from me go!
They might be bound by their lies
Until their sinning has died
Aftonbladets löpsedel skizophreni
Där betraktarens splitter
Ger upphov till vanans stelnade psykopati
Smaken avgör
Om grannens höga musik
Är outhärdlig
Likgiltig eller en positiv upplevelse
Dementia präcox
Förnekelse utav faktumet
I en satanisk tro
På suverän överlägsenhet
Där oförstörbar verklighet
Dekonstruerar påhittad skapardröm
Och offrets alltför egenartade inbillning
Försetts i tålamodets sömn
Sluta förutse vad du själv inbillade dig istället för verklighet
Där betraktarens splitter
Ger upphov till vanans stelnade psykopati
Smaken avgör
Om grannens höga musik
Är outhärdlig
Likgiltig eller en positiv upplevelse
Dementia präcox
Förnekelse utav faktumet
I en satanisk tro
På suverän överlägsenhet
Där oförstörbar verklighet
Dekonstruerar påhittad skapardröm
Och offrets alltför egenartade inbillning
Försetts i tålamodets sömn
Sluta förutse vad du själv inbillade dig istället för verklighet
Dum person
Dum person
Med sin ailet-pistol
Smackar mitt i tankars vimmel
Intellektets minne
Registrerar varje sjukdom
Iskalla stela bilder
Med sin ailet-pistol
Smackar mitt i tankars vimmel
Intellektets minne
Registrerar varje sjukdom
Iskalla stela bilder
Why do we all get sick, Diu?
You let machines destroy your dreams
Dreams come true
They really usually do
But if you let the machine dream for you
It will dream you into hell
Let your destructiveness come to nought
Dreams come true
They really usually do
But if you let the machine dream for you
It will dream you into hell
Let your destructiveness come to nought
For each man kills the thing he loves
What would I care
For anybody anymore
Their destiny
Has become their conspiracy
Their feelings bound up in their economy
Their intellectual activity
Their family
Like they crawl in the electronical community
Which seems to bring them all to fall
For anybody anymore
Their destiny
Has become their conspiracy
Their feelings bound up in their economy
Their intellectual activity
Their family
Like they crawl in the electronical community
Which seems to bring them all to fall
Atonal och en halv
Triangelvalvens inmurade obelisk
Klipper tankens bana
Allt som återstår
En tyglad fana
Psykologen runkar av intellektuell onani
Betalar du?
Horkarl? Eller vänner i sinom tid...
Atonalens ton
Styrkan höjer sinnesstämningen
Slår tillbaka i depression
Romantikens längtan
Höjer steg för steg
Passionens lidelse
Tills barocken framträder
I moralisk självsäkerhet
Klipper tankens bana
Allt som återstår
En tyglad fana
Psykologen runkar av intellektuell onani
Betalar du?
Horkarl? Eller vänner i sinom tid...
Atonalens ton
Styrkan höjer sinnesstämningen
Slår tillbaka i depression
Romantikens längtan
Höjer steg för steg
Passionens lidelse
Tills barocken framträder
I moralisk självsäkerhet
torsdag 16 januari 2014
på tal om Horace Engdahl - så har ekonomiska oberoendet - lösgjort hans stil - från och med Meteorer (1999) - kunde hans antydda bisatser utvecklas - utan rädsla FÖR ETABLISSEMANGETS CENCUR...
EN PLUMP SJÄLVHÄVDELSE KUBNDE TIDIGARE FULLSTÄNDIGT RASERA DEN FINA RÖSTEN - I T.EX. BÖCKER SOM Ä'bERÖRINGENS ABC' (i kjapitlet om Samuel Beckett, t.ex. var ett träffande citat - följs utav en inte lika träffande kritik emot detsamma...
dvs. röda som lava som igenom vulkan obelisken sprutar ut sin ilska och förstör allt i sin väg
blinda som duvor i natten rought et noir
då sjöng där i valparasio en söty liten sång - Rosita chilli vitra -
alltså om man dödar detr vita i rosa - får man rött och svart
hajen b i vågen tuggar trött är blek
sju gladas sjömän står för kommunistiska sjömän - men kan ävevn om de vore fria ifrån perversitet vara romantiker
Rosita vill alla ha -- folket vill (Evert Tabe var ingen kommunist, men Cornelis Vreeswijk får fram röda undertoner i texten), folket vill ha fred emellan de röda ooch vita
Salvador Allende Gossen -b lev frimurare i valparaiso,
vinröd klännuing
Väl vet, välfärd t.e.x
Cornelis Vreeswijk valde att framföra denna sång, åpgrund utav en önsklan att få fram rödaqheten
Augusto Pinochet, var även han frimurare därav l'ät han Victor Jara förblöda till döds, när husarrest hade varit passande pågrun d utav Voctors kommunistiska vansinne)
som bekant är ch illi frukten röd med vita korn innutio
plantan växer ifrån vitas korn till röda frukter
omgärdad utav rött, faller det vita i god jord
ormarna börjar skallra 'ta landet fort - och gör det till en öken '
till soldatesn duktiga ideal ä som demonisk marxist soldat, är en populär 90 tals hit
vars refräng lyder;
well I will walktr fiev hundred miles and I will walk five hundred more jsut to ber the man who walks five hundred miloes to be there at your door
den är konstruerad utav psykopater med siffornrna 555
'hej din negroid...'
'vad fan säger du - jag ska dunka ut hjärnan på dig alltså...'
'tyvärr - bekraäftar du den myt - om du,mheten som leder till onödigt lidande hos Afrikanska stammar sålde dui måhända, dina släktningar
till judiska extremister... slavhandlare i några hundra års tid?
dödar du mig - kan du ej latin - Negro - betyder 'svart', latin är svenskans ursprungsspråk, vbarför ställer du så till ett sånt förflärligt bråk för ingenting?...'
'ursälkta mig grabben - jag trodde du var rasist...'
'det är jag... ja visst...'
på vilket vid då?....
'på alla vis - ty existensen är en negation utav självmedvetandet...
Abramelan beskriver att demonerna som försöker förleda oss, (mänskligheten), om Allah påtvingar sin vilja - saknar val..
Därav är tron på Allah, det enda som kan rädda oss ifrån deras svartmagi... och ett prerqkvisit för att syssla med 'magi' (i.e. enligt Quraanen är magi otillåtet, utav den anledningen - att ett medvetandegörande i drömmen - kan leda till enekel kapitualation och död ty en varelse ifrån jinnernas dimension - kan enklet krossa de överskridande...)
(In Shaa Allah)
Men, huvudanledningen är att magikern riskerar frestas att befalla andra att tillbe honom
onsdag 15 januari 2014
beuty, in Juri Linas World, stems from lov e of goodness, but the profound thought that beuty simply comes from Allah as a blessing, for following His guidance, has not yet dawned on his hotrizon.. Everything does not need to be constructed to fit the Point. 'lawless winged and unconfined and breaks all chains from every mind... deceit to secrecy confined lawful cautious and refined, to Everything but interest blind, and forges fetters for the mind...'
we do not get beutiful by contempting fat women, we do not get inspiration, by exclusively choosing intelligent people as our companions.,. all calculations are devoid of meaning, to die as martyrs our only choice....
the work needsas to be done, Crying wailing will not awake the oppressors hearts , in most cases...
what is needed is resitance, but we do not take the real part in the tragedy, if we refuse to cry...
Burroyughs only loosenes the Words so that our true thinking is spitted out, regardles pof the consequenses.
Jur Linas restoration of reality about Franscisco Franco, Adolf Hitler, and Mussolini, is breath taking, and, we realize, that the lie abut Franco, is hinfdering us from understangding, the consequences which he tried to end, in spite he wasn't allowed to send Spanish troops to help Hungary in 1935, aginst the communistic oppressors, because Eisenhpowe threatened with war if he did.
U.S. has Always helprd Sovjet Union and financed the Oktober 1917
So we recognize each other, despite of the lies, and this love cracks the Shell from inseide.
Schoupenhaurs realization, that energy never perishes, but transforms, if we refuse to take the risk of being jailed for 'Sieg Heil' moving our right arm, energy transforms hopefully, into a struggle of revieling the true facts which constructed 'a Hell in Heaven despite'
if we fear somehting more than Allah, and thereby disregard Gods command, we will have to face it sooner or later, it is the choices we do not make which leads ur finally to face the One we Love...
the coward disregard for Allah command, has finally led ussd to be surrounded by evil, we recognize each oterhs secret leanings, in the cunningly beutyful rays of eneving...
Toivop Kurmet, himself, the subject of Juri Linas latest film, becoame a victim of conspiration. Imprisoned in Estonia , for one year, the probablyt cause, of his cancer, was in the substances his food secretly containged.
Estonian conspirators killer theoir national hero, in the modern way; through poisounous substances, 'te World snake' 'huiggormsslyngel'
Besides this Juroi Linas book, Architechgts of deception, contaings stunning facts, about Adolf Hitlers Connections into freemasonic financial supporters, and what kinds of vitamins and minerals he would have needed insted of Theordor MOrrels (may Allah protect us from the remembrerance of his name), Belladonna, with ojne Word, Juri Lina is a World genius, a Classic, which will be read with ever renewed interest generation after generation as long as his poruduction exists.
Oyster, (skaldjur), have a tasty containment, and beutiful Shell - we cannot recoignize, a pure soul, if we have presupposes judgements about foreigners.
The recognizsion is beyond charachteristics of nations and classes.
Nationalis, is important, the aspct we first guast,d, what is closest to us, family friends neighbours, citites, even a nation is usually too big to fathom defenceing. but the usuage of homogen language, marks the border
If we move to a country, we hgave to will become a part of that nation, and speak its language.
Thuis not simply to fill our pockets with its Money, increasing its national dept, and then go!
this is robbery as stated int he Quraan (sura?)....
tisdag 14 januari 2014
MS Estonia was sunk is the name of the book which black listed Hennig Wittes name, from Swedish massmedia... as I visited him in his summer house, which became hjhis stationary adress - after his breakthrough into the real frithening fracts about how MS Estonia was sunhk...
the black magical consensus of pratically all Swedish mass media that the big ship sank because of the storm, ravaging the Waters bewtween Tallin and Stockholm, on the night n26 of septembre, has to be evaluated accpording to facts, and if solid then nothing has to be hidden...
Acka is working with a cancer theraphyt, by other things based upon the Health generating effect of clorophyll, extracted in a mixer, from the leaves of plants like brännässla, nate, groblad, maskrosblad, hallonblad, kirskål, etvc. to this, she adds the poisonutdrivande,m substance, spirulina - and other smakförstärkare, like lemon and fruits. this will help the cancer victim to keep his or her hair during the 'treatment' with cellgifter... besides this - her house ius situated by one of Värmlands most beutifuyl lakes (?) which makes the mind find rest and peacve, needed to overcome the skizophrene attitude, which conmes from attempts to force the mind to Think in certain patterns. because of material achievements like the school of obligation - by force, gives rise to,
as the dfenied parts - begins to harass the mind by force giving rise to a frozen Picture fixed mind
felt to be surrounded by burning lava...
finally the denied parts breaks the mind barrier, and overflow the mind with chaotix symbols, which copmes in a disordered way - ion the wrong åplaces, because, at their right time being denied - for some people - the unconscious doensät grow ike opened seeds
but ntheir energy flow inhivbits at vcertains places in the body giving rise to rheumatism - and a partly catyathonic state - where the prgon energy thus inhibited to flow through the energy banor finally begins to roth and thus cancer arises - canceer is the physical epiphenomen of skizophrenia, transferred to the bodies own cells - turning aginst its origin - whoile thus - the schizophgrenic state is the thought s turning agins the philosopher.
Kall brand Ann Meyer? USA. mormor, vägrade låta sågas av under knäna bilolycka, Alexandra Liteen...
Hannika och Hannike Virve, are two sisters whom were taken away from the lists of survivors; on a mission of a big sweedish newspaper Henning Witte, got the assignment, of investigating, the demands of recompsne, against the Meyer Varv, which had been dropped at Court. the cardeck has been prohibited to investigate, and the investigations made 29 oktober, 2-4 december 1994, are uncomplete. the kassetts tapes, 13, 14, 15 - are missing and the time scedule measurements, are porving that hte claim Davce Padeck? liiger på styrbords sida, on Rockwayter, that the jumps ofd depth and time - are causes by the drift of serveilance ship semi 1, are incorrect. question 1; is the depth and time - counted in the camera or at the boats hgightechonoligal equippment. if at the boat, this would oimean, that the trnaferreance of the dephght time details would be counted and sent - form the seadepth camera, the transferrance would in this case, have been interupted, at po and when the ship had returned at position to recieve it, the recornig would have continued. Questoin, 2, where the seadepth camera, recorning on itself; or - only, transferring to recorning Machines, in the suyrveilance ship semi 1?
A detail, suddenly catches our attantion, a window without glasssplinters they crushed.
Rockwater - also had a special tratment of their safe-caopy, they burned it to smokle in the prescence of witnesses, it shouldn't disappear..'
Baltic News Service, 13 Oktober 1997, Arna Valggma, complains about that the Picture on the monitor in his cabin, sev eral times disappeard, though the main moonitor, must have been in Contact with the divers uninterupted owing to security sreasons.
the hole , in the skrover, is suspected to exist on deäck 0, whgere the swimming pool and sauna were placed...
var vet confessed that Estonia - were not built according to the rules cause the water proof collission skott were missing.
Kalved Vahras, were a man who happened to be fetched from the crime scene in the same chopter as Piht, capttain oif the ship, he is described by his relatives as a man of essence, doing his work, and never a superflous comment
his wife, Rith, had a opositive answer and were told that eh Swedish authorities simply doesn't know which hospital her hiusband has been tranported to, though alive!
All persons who werenät unconscious, left their names verbally , the department of domestic affairs, informed the son of Kalvev, your father is alive. but, for Gods sake, don'ät tell anyone about it...!
the swidish hospitals claimed they havn hadnät oermission to inform about the names of survivors, until authorities had agreed.
in Ruths and her sons happiness they had already gotten the same positiv answer from department of domestic affiairs, socialdeparmtn, Red Cross etc. probalbt Kalevs Destiny cvoudl have been different if Ruth and son hadn'ät been overjoyous about the survival and kept their mouths shut
Hannika and JHannike, and Pihht, seems the have the chance, though the herouic character ot truth in Kalev, probablydigged his coffin
Red Cross suddenly informed her - that since 1 okbober, an impermissability of such infomration has been activated.
Peter Polgunan? was a co worker of Kalved deceided together to jump into a nother Life boat, Kalved had a flytväst, and ljus skjorts, sjusa byxor, but no shoes. ' a good swimmer, ' As they parted in the liftboat, he gave an awakened impression. He was a hewavy built were havely built in stature and wihtout a sinlge scratych end of quatation
here the police, makes a fatal mistake, when Ruth is sitting at the police statioon, a representative of the Suomi police, enters and shows a piucture of a drowned person - how - could theyt possible know his name if he was found drowned.
Ruth saw a Picture of a sleeping man
Nextt Days inspection by Rith and Kalves brother of the phoitography reviels blood traces on Kalves right hair line. on left side, a scvar is shown, which seems to reviele usage of a sharpo instrument. on his throat, a swelled bulb, similar to 'påssjukan'
the topsi, had stangely enough already taken Place in Suimi and not in Estonia
the military trucks, which had been escoprdéd through Tallin and its harbour, to become the last viecles entering the cardeck, must have held some secret, wgy otherwise, spärra av - parts of Estonias Capital?
later - the program - off Mona Sahlin and others were vehemently force progressiong to cover the wreck with Concrete, probably to avoid the lost Atomic miscro plants, which the tryucks by all probability tranported onto the ferrie, to make the Baltic Sea a dead one...
an American air plnane cargo, landed the same eveneing as the ferry departed and as soon as i become known that the fferry had sunk it took the firdst chance to escpae, lift?
the Atomic Micro plant first chance to escape (i.s. lift9, were probably bleinging to Soviet now Russia... 28 september 1994
what speaks for the theory that a hole either by a torpedo or causesd by a bomb detonating from inside, makde water flow into deck 0, is the witnesses from dekc 1, who saw water flahjsing splashing up like fountains from underneath. many of these surviuved because, they were alarmed at once; having to climb 7 stairs to deck 7, ewven to escape.
a possible exålination is the demand of Russoian military to dump the load with the Atomic microplants which forced captain Pihht, to open the bogvisir (at the front letting in the cars), under upon ravaging stormy Waters...
porbably he was commanded this after the detonating torped from the Russian submarine whicvh followsd Estonia out of Tallins harbour
these then the bogvissir, was blown away so that the two military trucks could be pushed out Before the ship totally sank; they wre not supposed to be found by the Swedish wreck diver. the undetonated bombs, give us an idea, of why certain ssurvivors, disappeard, maybe, there was supposed to be less...
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recently - a man was discovered in a broom cupboard, locked in. The place is Huddinge, Stockholm, and the company, Aleris, is owned by the Wallenberg - family.
(may they be cursed) The police heard someone banging on a door - when they demanded it to be opened - they found a 70 year old man - whom they had locked in several times, in a similar manner..
The newspapers wrote about the case- and because of this - the staff at the Old-man-home, sent a physiotherapist, to the victim, trying to make him able to walk.
He was able to walk, when they stopped forcing ‘neuroleptics’ on the victim - a substance, which h is claimed - suppresses “psychotic” symptoms - but actually makes the victim insane, and, totally powerless, both mentally and physically…
besides this - he will gain in weight, without having to eat any larger amounts than usual.
The man had the “diagnosis” ‘authistic’ like - the 10 - 12 year olds - whom were tortured for months in Bromma, Stockholm - with beltstraps and forced injections. (Probably, a Mind Control Project)
So the ‘right wing’ motherfuckers, ruling Sweden for almost 8 years, at present, are not capitalists - but - a kind of communists in disguise.
They do - as the plutocrati wants and demands.
If there is something Sweden needs - it is what in common language - is called ‘fascism’ - not the hybrid - between strict state oppression, and social engagement.
but, to take care of ones family, and especially those parent whom otherwise would end up, regrettfully, in the old-mans-home…
Maciej Zaremba present some interesting facts - in his book - 'Mobbarna och rättvisan' (the Billies and the justiece'
but - his whole galcvanization of the terrific sibject, - drops with his support for communistic ideas...
it is like presenting a problem - only to draw the conclusion - that the cause of it - has to be supported.
Sweden is a silent oppressive state - just like Sovjet union - and stiftar (founds) laws, that are meant to be disregarded.
out of about 8500 applicatings, not a single one has been taken into consideration.
The truth is that more sevrer crimes agains employees has and are perpetrated in Sweden than the case that brought Helen Green 800 000 Pound from Deautsche Bank in London - because co-workers had causes her severe depression. (what year)
in Sweden - lyers Always seem to win out - lik the "psychiatrists' whose only argument 'lacks pathological insight' raises a near - to - Death sentence _ where a person can be continually destroyed, ad infinitum - in a gang bang of poisounous sperm (so - called 'forced treatmen'
in SAwden - the victims seeking upprättelse, receives the same attitue from the lawgoverners - the law agains bullies acame into existence already 1993, yet - has never been followd. actually never been followed.
the authorities - takes on the face of the oppressors and mentally kcik the victim even more - to what they presumed from the beginning ' a nut case'
the population is by this manner divided into 'nut cases' and 'normal'
the 'normal' being the psychopaths educated at places like Lundbergs internat school, where torture of defenseless youths - like burning their bodies with an ironhot iron - or fucking them in the ass - is upon the Daily Schedule
and those persons weak minded enough to obey and keep their mouths shut
those boiys are lookedupon as fully 'normal ' in Seden ' anbd gets more support from the government than oterh schools - though - if some you are pooor - and don't want to co operate with thje 'brainswashing' porgramme - in Sweden named (forced) education - you willbe subjected to forced 'psychiatric' treatment even though you just started school 2 years agho...
as you get to the age of 12 you are used to the beltstraps - and - the torture of 'medicine' you never wanted and isolation up to 7 months a row.
the silnet hidden oppression - of the freemasocin tyest - state today still named Swden being the first country to go tyhrough the five Point program of brainwash - constructed in masonic loges.
is worse than countries where people can confirm torture with their opwn Eyes and producces (un) fortunately a lot of 'breakdowns' luckily sytill some people have the nerve to protest!
unluckely most of them end upp hooked up on the godtyckliga willy nilly will of 'psaycxhiaterisds'which in Seweden is a pseudonyme for 'tortureleaders'
so the origin of the problem - actueally stems from the so called 'psychiatric' system of oppression
it moulds the inhabitants o f Sweden 2013, to be like well dresserade dogs - if the y Yell or bark they will be brottade down. If a college Thinks the oteher does a gruelsome mistake he cowardly speaks behind theback of thhis opponent - 'demoncaracy' they call it in Swden as to get the piublic opinion on his side
otherwise he fdears forced tereatment
A political Dirty Theatre in microcosmos
therefore - every thirtd person in Seden has cancer ?, a characteological resignation has lamslagit large fields of the population and the second largest cause, after heart problems, of Death in the U.S. is cancer.'
US where the real governing Power of seden today has its seat of Conspiracy, bainging the club.
Almost - the landowners have becomed livegna - if they 'make trouble' a cancdian Company of mines - can claim they have found metaltillgåångare, on the marken and beghin to diug them up without compensation a single penny to the landownders - in return for destroyed water and nature
US military forces practices in Norrland with Atomic issiles giving rise to rapidly spreading mutated virus dieseases
the 'healthy' swedes can best be described as one large Group of bullies.
the leadning bullies are ready to be fucked in the ass any time - by the inhabitatnts of the White House.
just like the oppressionrs in Lundsbergs Sinternat School, once were tarmar (intestines) a nick name given to the new comers, ready to gamahuche the elder pupils any tyime buy the whistle blow of mockery...
The European Labour Party, has the insight, that Money is siumply not only produced by work - but, as an investment, an expected accumulation...
By actual fact, this is to diusawvow, the fact, that everythging living, as long as it produces something useful,m which is - not desturctive, in a broad perspective actually could generate Money...
'Money, is symbol value, a påroxy, so called 'fiat currency' an agreed upon fungible Proxy... - (fungible; is connected with analogy, two separate physical enteties, gets the same suymbol value...),
A falske bill, would in this case - not mean - that it is not looking like the others... but, that, it is not agreed upon, by the users, that ehgthe flase producer, m,akes fiat currency out of his belonging.
Spo when false bills, without cover, validity, appears on the market - I buty a thing with it and at the same time gets in dept, though unknowingly...
The companies - produce a lot of Products, payed by Money whioch are simply made up, taken from empty spae, ...
This is called 'infaltion..' and the societyy, suych built, send out Money as aid, which criminals seize, , and forms oppressive Power, in foreign contries, ... Then the dept of that state, geowns, until, it becomes clear, that the consequence of this is that practiaclly all politicains of that state - are controlled by IMF, or any other bank, which, by the sin of that loan, with ribe on it, practiaclly own a whole country, like Cypress of Greece...
Here we see the most important thing, in guardning the decision makers Money transferanses...
surveiling the ..etc.
fascis,m, accordning to Kjell , is when the government, puts the possibility of accumulating fiat currency, in the hands of pricate intrests, which can generate currency, by investments, thought to generate Money...
in a co operation, with a private bank...
in a co operation, with a private bank...
'It should be - in the hands of the government to agree, in an investment which releases futher curren
cy into the market...'
fiat currency (open market), has according to Kjell, the meaning of a fungible Proxy, whicih means interchancability of look aliike separate physical entities, having the same value...
The second Point Kjell makes - is that co operation, is the key Word of present day modern hightechnology civilasation, whuich by the pressing of a bottom, can wipe out millions and millions of people...
therefore, armed conflict, has to be avoided, by mostg means, and the population, bear the oppression of 'the state' whicih in most casses - is 'fascistic' in the sense that i prepresents the econnomical intrest of private banks - and - nbot the population at large...
besides this - Kjell makes a queer, statemtn,
the Swedish author Juri Lina, 'is crazy' because he presents only facts behind the scenes, and, no solutions..
I you have a courtcase, it isnät enought with theories, you cannot proov.
A prerequisite for solving a case, are the facts, then in intteligent moinds, solutions begin to appear.
As Kjell - himself states; 'you cannot teach knowledge - (as the freemasons Think), because, there has tpo be someone to understand it...'
Swedish schools - mislead their pupils, who, gets the wrongconcept that they 'know ' though, insightless in the fact, that their so called 'knowledge ' is not applicalble in reality...
The political Point about Estonia - is that - ultra Life dangerous stolen material, from Russian military, that is, two Micro Atomic plants, were trtansported, on the civil ferry, with the consent of Swedish atuthoriteis, , ordered by U.S. government.
That is - all of them are responsible fopr this massmurder - genomfört, by Russia secret Agency - who when the captain Pith, refused to dump the load oin the sea, dyuring the storumy night, sank the ship, with a torpedo , and blew of the bogvisir, with placed bombs, so that the load sank Before the ship, probably picked up by the Russian submarine...), and, the agents escaping from the scene,m in Estonias largest liofe boat, thereby withdrawing the help of many drowning...
Air Force Ones - bedrägliga flygtimmar, påpassad utav stålörnarnas gröna gift
avundsjukans beundrande minar - -
en tystnad - ingen vågar säga ett pip
må Å Bombas plan uppgå i lågor
på vägen hit
där en evig spiral nedåt slutar i Helvetet
atombomber spränger sönder hans lemmar - i evighet...
'en ny kropp blir given - då den gamla bränts slut
hans stålnäbbs vingar nu brutna i bitar
solen igenom molnen tittar ut...
what makes the people of fitna, less than zero, is their agreeing with Iblis, 'I am better than he...' even thugh this they ight not say it outloud... this is fitna, to intend bad thinking about Another though not sayting it outright... the evil metaphors...
better if that person ent straight and assulted his victim... in this case, to be solitary than to bear such people, is tranquil
better if that person ent straight and assulted his victim... in this case, to be solitary than to bear such people, is tranquil
n gudom liknar en mänsklig bank för uppfyllandet utav drömmar, jhag tar hand om det, lita på mig... noi sense...
därför ska mystisism undvikas att ses mystifierande, livet är en dröm en dröm som drömmer sig ur en dröm, så fort du blir besatt utav ett begär efter något glömd det...
sura 25, ayat 45, 46
de som drabbats utav Allahs vrede, rör sig om skymningen emot öster, flyende ljuset, i mörkret, gör de sakar ingen får se, troende att natten nu kommer finnas permanent... -
de som gått vilse, springer efter solens skönhet, men, hinner inte med, och lämnas i nattens mörkret, utan att kunna finna sin väg hem... -
plötsligt, stiger solen i Öster... - skuggan de ondskefulla följde, pekar då plötsligt åt andra hållet, och, allt de byggt på lögn, krossas, de måste följa sin skugga tillbaka, blivande i den grop de grävde för andra... -
och när de möter sina avgudar i hemlighet försäkrar de; 'helt visst är vi med er... ' vi hånar bara de troende..'
Allah kastar tillbaka deras hån, emot dem själva, och låter dem vandra blinda i sin gränslöshet tills de möter sitt öde...
Det är liksom en man som tände en eld varvid när den lös upp omgivningen Allah tog deras ljus ifrån dem - och lämnade dem i fullständigt mörker... - nu - kan de ej se någonting...
döva stumma blinda kommer de ej återvända...
Det tycks liksom blixten stal allt förutom deras syn ifrån dem...
när deras omgivning - tänds med en blixt, vandrar de däri - och när mörker faller över dem- står de stilla... -
och hade Allah velat, hade Han fullständigt berövat dem hörsel och syn... helt visst kan Allah utföra allt...
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så fort du blir besatt utav ett begär efter något, glöm det... du är redan räddad utav Guds eviga kärleks dröm... -och helt visst - ifall de som missleder andra - skulle äga all världens rikedomar - och lika mycket därtill skulle de erbjuda det som lösensumma vid Domedagen, men, en överraskning ifrån Allah väntar dem..
när vi ger människan goda ting glömmer hon dess källa och glömmer Allahs överflöd, i tron att hennes intelligens räddat henne...
och den ondska de gömt kommer uppsluka dem... -
Åh Mina tjänare som perverterat er själva - förlora inte hoppet om Allahs Medlidande ty helt visst kan Hans Medlidande förlåta alla synder...
Sura Zumar ....
lördag 4 januari 2014
'Jag hatar periodare' - To Alex Mayer (no more since 13 Januari 2013)
I dare not speak with you in letters anymore
Just like Young and Academy (but no more since 8 January 2013) you recognized my geniality
Then afraid to go where the revealing water flow
tried to drop my eternal poetry
And stamp it 'uninterestingly' on the floor
Better to never have been born
Than the torment that awaits
The conscious denier of truth
In hell's deepest depths
Personally, do not flatter
And say greatness, madness officially
Give the same version!
Fulfull given promises, speak seriously
May Allah protect me from displaying a force which I lack
And by this, leaving me open for attack
Just like Young and Academy (but no more since 8 January 2013) you recognized my geniality
Then afraid to go where the revealing water flow
tried to drop my eternal poetry
And stamp it 'uninterestingly' on the floor
Better to never have been born
Than the torment that awaits
The conscious denier of truth
In hell's deepest depths
Personally, do not flatter
And say greatness, madness officially
Give the same version!
Fulfull given promises, speak seriously
May Allah protect me from displaying a force which I lack
And by this, leaving me open for attack
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