fredag 27 december 2013

William Blake

'the look of love alarms, cause it is filled with fire...' William Blake soft deceit, homeless are the people who attatch their Dreams to the riches of this World... in the end no where to flee, a house blown to dust particles, in the end... unlucky the one who becomes satans friend...

unmarried rashters, hold hands and kiss in the park...
married Couples, what they do at home is their privacy...

'God is love'...
this aspect is more important than the indestructability
cause, if you  disregard compassion and energy, you will be subjected by His Anger...
if though you disregard the rules of love, you will stray far from Heaven above...

their philosophy, is madness incarnate... prohibitions of love and disobeidience

which makes you both hate your 'teacher' and the girl Walking down the street.

and makes you unenlightened as your  steps turn towards mechanistic ideas... because you ate of their meat, like being heated in the fire of Hell... and at the same time being forced to display, that Everything is well...

it might not be Allah which they praise so highly, but, their own misconception of reality...

muslimun, or by whatever name they call themselves, might Think that enlightment is their patented right... obtrusively, spitting up futile laws, that builds a Hell in Heaven despite...

they really Think, that by simly mentioning Allahs Prophets name, fear will be induced in their enemy, from it's perception of truith refrain...

the result none way, or Another insane... 

the only sin is to ignore, what you shouldn't deplore...

relying upon your memory, and old rusty ideas, laid down by old masters, must in the end, lead to disasters...

why stick to the superstitious belief, that supernatural Powers endowed to those who believed will save you from what ruins others, less in 'might' than thee, when the truth, in its simplicity is available, through Bodhisvattvas clear eyed to see...


Poisonous moist...

'they' do the same thing, with the skies, that they do with us...

when tears should be flowing silently,

there comes the fear, of poisounous moist...

in our minds, a deadly serious murderous voice...

they want all Earth to become, like one of their playthings, manipullated toys...


Abdul Wahab, satans horn...

possessed beings, meet with hidden scorn

everywhere they see, pointed thorn   forlorn

by thruths exctacy...

they wander distracted, nowhere to be;

an free masonic creed, to the one possessed like morphin addicts, almost incurable need, evil seed!

burn down to the ground...

wish thee, nowhere on Earth ever to be found...

the Earth is round, not flat,

your shadow stretches in the east, the sun eventually will rise...

'Paradise' is forbidden for thee, because they (the followers of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab that is) eternalized lies...

your claim to be very wize...

a payed prize... under the table,

how many more tries, did Allah, give you again?

your attempt to destroy Islam, will prove invain...

Abdul Wahab, really insane, by the evil acts in murky night,  thou ran after women and pleasure, a snake crawling with two heads... at either direction east and west may thy books all be burned with their manuscripts, and us other - may rest...

Abdul Wahab, a might devil , which possesses the reader of his text, with a horrible demanding dark voice, like being stretched out on a torture bench... only being able to see one way...

the mind, possessed, from Life and love strays...

your own Life, like a candle without oxygen fades...

through the possessed blows a deathening blow, which aims at blowing away living beings, in a storm of bloody haze...

Life becomes like one of those Days, where heaven, is totally hidden by grey, meaningless Clouds, where even the rain, refuses to pour down...

a desolate diseased dead Town, a burnt out lawn...

Abdul Wahab, you destroy the essence of my day... like blossoms fastly fading away...

makes the naiiv woman afraid....

how many of them, have you forced to get laid, while pouring down your  sperm, like an air raid... how many necks have you burned, simply to get paid...

may you have, what you said, tied around your neck, and thrown into the sea, burried Deep beneath the Waves...

när trummorna dundrar in - och en suck utav längtan - faller över läpparna helt still...
går hon förbi i parken- hennes långa fläta svänger bak ryggen, medan stegen gungar den blomstrande marken...
lämnar hon grinden - halvt på glänt ... hon nu sin långa fläta, över ryggen sänt...
alltmedan hon cyklar iväg - tar hon ett grepp vid flätroten och runkar stilla handen...
medan hennes cykel likt en vattendroppe som fallit
sprider sin livsväg igenom staden,
rullar ett imaginärt barn i magen...
famntagen, utan h a n som satt blixtstilla på en bänk i alltets synvilla...
sperma har stänkt...
tända kroppar, i en osynlig länk, i kvällens bäddade säng ett dagboksblad vänt..
en förhoppning om minnen
tryckta emot vadernas längd.. mängd  sänd...
trängd i ett gruvschakts mörka hål
runkar snoppen
otålig, ingen mer spänning tål...

upp kommer diamanter, skinande tryckt, långvarigt kol, synen släckt, likt en kamel tryckt igenom ögat på en nål...

inget vrål, hördes ifrån han ikväll,, stilla i rummet, ett högspänt, tryckt mummel,
hummern tappat medvetandet...
en kalldusch, tvål smörjes in...
den klibbiga sperman, tvättas, av skinnet...
kvar i minnet
 en verklighet, utav ingenting...
'lätt pustar utanför , sommarens vind
medan hon öppnar lägenhetsdörren, och, sin manliga gäst, glatt släpper in...

linden, en avbruten hägring, medan mannen sin Phallos, in i förälskelsens inre rum
sublimt plötsligt skjut...
mjukt i bröstet klappar  längtans häst...
borta bra... men hemma bäst...
hjärtats klappande best...
vad står på tur.. vem kommer härnäst?....

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