lördag 28 december 2013

Möte med Kjell Lundqvist EAP

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The European Labour Party, has the insight, that money is simply not only produced by work - but, as an investment, an expected accumulation...
By actual fact, this is to disavow, the fact, that everything living, as long as  it produces something useful, which is - not destructive, in a broad perspective actually could generate money...
'Money’, is symbol value, a proxy, so called 'fiat currency' an agreed upon fungible proxy... - (fungible; is connected with analogy, two separate physical entities, gets the same symbol value...),
A false bill, would in this case - not mean - that it is not looking like the others... but, that, it is not agreed upon, by the users, that the false producer, makes fiat currency out of his belongings.
So when false bills, without cover-validity, appears on the market - I buy a thing with it and at the same time gets in debt, though unknowingly...
The companies - produce a lot of products, payed by money which are simply made up, taken from empty space...
This is called 'inflation..' and the society, such built, send out money as aid, which criminals seize, and forms oppressive power, in foreign countries... Then the debt of that state, grows, until, it becomes clear, that the consequence of this is that practically all politicians of that state - are controlled by IMF, or any other bank, which, by the sin of that loan, with riba on it, practically own a whole country, like Cypress of Greece...
Here we see the most important thing, in surveiling the decision makers money transferanses...
fascism, according to Kjell Lundqvist, is when the government, puts the possibility of accumulating fiat currency, in the hands of private interests, which can generate currency, by investments, thought to generate money, in a co operation, with a private bank...
'It should be - in the hands of the government to agree, in an investment which releases further currency into the open market...'
fiat currency  has according to Kjell, the meaning of a fungible proxy, which means interchange-ability of look-alike separate physical entities, having the same value...
The second point Kjell makes - is that co-operation, is the key word of present day modern hightechnology civilasation, which by the pressing of a bottom, can wipe out millions and millions of people...
therefore, armed conflict, has to be avoided, by most means, and the population, bear the oppression of 'the state' which in most cases - is 'fascistic' in the sense that it represents the economical interest of private banks - and - not the population at large...
besides this - Kjell makes a queer, statement,
the Swedish author Juri Lina, 'is crazy' because he presents only facts behind the scenes, and, no solutions..
If you have a court case, it is not enough with theories, you cannot prove.
A prerequisite for solving a case, are the facts, then in intelligent minds, solutions begin to appear.
As Kjell - himself states; 'you cannot teach knowledge - (as the freemasons think), because, there has to be someone to understand it...'
Swedish schools - mislead their ‘pupils’, who, gets the wrong concept that they 'know ' though, insightless in the fact, that their so called 'knowledge ' is not applicable in reality...





Ann Barnhardt explains the terms ‘fungible proxy’

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