lördag 28 december 2013

Short review of Second World War

the term, national socialism, usually shortened nazism, were invented by Moses Hess, in 1862. These facts, are written in Juri Linas book Architects  of deception, under the heading nazistic cooperation with sionists...
Nostradamus Words ' wolf in sheep clothes'is the exact description of Adolf Hitler. Adolf means 'silver wolf'
the so called 'chrystal night' were arranged by the freemason lodge B i nai B rith, and their agents in Jewish defence against anti semitism , from paris. The recievers in the
Gaultier officies, ), changed Hitlers outright order, that no jewish property should either de destroyed, or jews be killed.
The nazi party, had put on themselves the joke of the Illuminati order, founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776, 1 May, Inglostadt, and their goal to form the Israelic state in Palestine, and the members of the sect, were adviced to move elsewhere.
The actual reason for the Germans to intervene in Poland, were the halocaust of German descendants . (year 1938 I Think )
Hitler rejected the dependance on the gold standard, and lowered the interrest rate to almost zero. This chocked the international bank system, and, among other freemasons, Winston Churchill promised to crush Germany. (the negotioation of secret negotioation of this between years 39 - 40so called telegram war ?)
 Montague Norman, then chief of Bank of England, promised Germany Peace, if Gold Standard was re introduced
In actuality Great britain cared little about Poland and the fate of other unimportant states.....

Moses Hess invented the term 'nationalsocialism' already in 1862 - and since, this terms real meaning - has grown - to symbolize the israelic state - as - a racistic central - to control the international communistic movement...

the racistical doctrine - is rooted in the Talmud, which, was written - as a forgification of Torah - 

Torah they claim, disappeared in Babylon, when the jewish tribes were interned - because of their terroristic highway robbing

in Talmud, it is stated , that a non jew, can be robbed , cheated and killed by a jew, and even the jew can be rewareded to have made a sacrificce to jahve...

Jahve, is a fire demon, a forged name, put instead of Allah...

the movement connected with 'Sieg Heil' towards victory or 'good luck' in German sprache, is a symbol - for recieving inspiration from celestial geniuses - and - mirroring the same - to humanity at larger...

Swastican has the same meaning - as the orgon waves first phase, of inspiration, coming from East to West...

the wave, then flows party or totally back, from West to east... together they symbolize, the enlightened illumination, thes, antithesis, synthesis, in the figure of 8...

The initial inspiration flows into intelligt contemplation, like we had a second thought, the synthesis of this, is existance...

The prohibition of the initiative of life - that is energy, causes the catathonia in the soul... and stiffness of all initiative towards an inspired healthy life growth...

instead the mind becomes pushed down into paranoia which is one of the satanic pillars, and the actual reason for entering a satanic sect...

it is similar to lift - ones - hand, in the classroom, with a crucial difference, we do not ask the principal, but opens the mind to celestial inspiration...the prohibition by a simple image, tries to cut of the root of life - love prophecy, poetry, art, energy, inspiration and push the mind down into a paranoid state - where brainwash can be easily induced...

the student thinks he knows 

wastes his life in a denied escape - from reality, and call it thus...



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