The planned newspapers were Al Aharam and firstly Al Akhbar.
Besides this our incommon work with the newly founded publishing house 'Fly High' London, is broken off.
I apologize to those involved, espcially Ann Mari Fröier, Magnus Olsson, Pernilla Hagberg etc.
The reason is that Eve Riimus threatened to call the police if I 'gave Alex any more money', he did me a favour and found som epople in Egypt to feed (it is a tradition in Islam to feed the poor from the Money you doesn't need), and Eve suspected he was a propostor. Because of this, he turned all our planns down.
Bonus material in Juri Linas latest film, banned from Swedish Cinemas, was named The Recognision, produced for Estonian Rix Television, in 1992, after the restoration of national independance.
if we do not recognize and fight the evil Before it freezes permanently , we will have to recognize each oterh withouit possibility to openly speak... and cry inside in a tragedy
the special recognision between the Eyes of two aartists, becomes the insight, that onfce they were kings, now forced to put weapons aside, and fight side by side, for even the permission to speak...
love, at first sight, but the fear of betrayal a trespass into the invisible pulp, between the recognizers, and confuses the salutation with the possibility of accusations of madness etc.
if a people is not strong enought to fight the evil in its cradle, soon fewer and fewer will recognize each other.
It is like Juri Linas audience, were an Island in a sea of burning lava.
William S. Burroughs doesnt give time to cry over this fact because, the work needs to be done... etc.
Schoupenhaurs wishing withoit wanting, is the key to existance.
actions are judged according to their intentions...' it is said in the Sunnah
Juri Lina has made an artform out of information flow
which enables the poet of today to reconnect with the mechanistic society, and trespass the true myth, that a poet cannot participate in modern high tech...
He can when he services the purpose of spreading important information, through 'internet'
copyright, is in Juri Linas Eyes, aquestion of security, we are encouraraged to only share his art with Close friends, and not bump the maniac drum, in a large display of his genial pieces...
it might threath us, at the spot,and longer term, Mossad would find to big interest in the author, which could threath also his Life
Of course, he needs the money for the product, to survive, Juri Lina, is a restorer of history, such things which brainswash imposed upon us, as disgusting and evil, Juri Lina restores through careful presenting information. Fillms like Kraftmätningen, Lightbringers, IN the shadow of Hermes, The unsatiesfyable Ouroubours, a more tense horrifying atmosphere, is created, in figuration with classical pieces from Schostakovitj, Bach, Mozart, Toivo Kurmet, Gian Piero Reverberi, at the same time, we look out the window 'this is real!...'
in the east, in the South, Germany, in the west america, 'it is real'...
and we realize how vain and futile, our Dreams were of poetry, because in this reality, we decide ourselves to restist the masonic oppresson and suddenly we have access to what opinion today call 'reality', which is 'viritual'...
One serious flaw in Juri Linas world view is his contempt for monotheism.
If Allah is Reality then the “theory” or “teaching” has to be disregarded if He wills.
But Islams unique aspect is the protection of Allah there fore named “religion”.
If a law is formed somewhere it is a tiny fact compared to Allah’s law but still a fact a part of our reality. But an evil such we cannot follow such an perverted movement rather die as martyrs .If on the other hand reality is looked upon as facts every thing is destroyed and inner peace unachievable Allah is Fact al haqq morality therefore is a structure to move inside - without which we are homeless.
Allah being the source of inspiration therefore morality is not Reality but an aspect of our creation.
This attitude leads to reliance upon the audience instead of Allah so-called collective writing its evil form communism. In modern times anti- monotheistic writers torture themselves behinds computer screens to convince and stupefies and grows crazy the sickness William S. Burroughts mentions in junkie to live through hardships perversions, etc. – to be able to write about it is deplored by Juri Lina Andrej Tarkovskij and Toivo Kurmet.
A person calling himself “poet” takes rights of immorality for the sake of writing suddenly relying upon the “audience” and not in Allah.
But still this Novus Ordo Seclorum art might have at least some good results if published. But the schizophrenic aspect relying upon a publisher in disregard of Allah spoils most of it. Computers are electronic instruments are termed as “haram” because if you hit the wrong tune you will behave well like a machine to achieve the calculated result.
“play well” in social life is hypocrisy –
Therefore the fingers being forced to hit “the right” notes become a mental disease.
Your voice is affected by your sins your vocal cords stretches in false tunes when bad conscience, arises, it will make you afraid to be revealed to sing.
Instruments are expensive imitators of voice makes you afraid to crack them at the same time revealed as the absence of zikhr makes you uncontrollable. Never pay a life guard (never accept the price of a dog) there is nothing victorious in being famous achievable and welcomed only when some good change can be achieved by the mass copy. Worst is being famous for something evil presented as “good”.
Rather infamous without valid cause.
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