torsdag 17 oktober 2013

Torsten Föllinger's genial singing lessons...

Torsten Föllinger’s genial singing lessons…

Legend (Skriven till Israel G. Young )

The teacher- who do not sell his only soul

Is -like the smallest child –

Upon other’s shoulders lifted high.

The teacher -

Who sells his only soul…

His chaotic breakdown – will be foretold.

Cause – what violence – may create -

Blows away – like dust in the wind-
by the break of day.


Torsten Föllinger- is by some known, as the star of the stars. Star in this case means ‘ Zarah Leander-
Ernst Hugo Järegård, Erland Josephson, Liv Ullman, Birgit Nilsson’ etc.

his wing of humility, in a harsh geniality, which jumped forward, exclaiming truths of joy to laugh

about. But not in any mean matter, like Ingmar Bergman, who, was his arch enemy, mostly because

Bergman wanted his actors like Liv Ullman, Erland Josephsson and Torstens ‘best friend’ Allan Edwall,

to act dirty things in front of the camera…”He liked such things…” as Torsten driely exclaimed, and,

put another piece of cake into his mouth. Zarah Leander loved orgies and, one amusing story is about

how her husband Vidar one evening called Torsten and complained “ We have patriates here again”.

Torsten promised to come, cause, as Vidar stated; he knew Torsten was the only one Zarah

respected (or one of the few) and, if she knew he would come, she would turn the bunch of lovers


with his bulldog ‘Smulan’ out to the mannor country house, were Zarah ‘was living’. It turned out

that Zarahs daschshund happened to arrive from the neighbour at about the same moment and, she

stood on the porch, with a brush in her hand, she complained that the dog had been chasing after

the neighbour’s , ‘in this way, now, you have gotten yours’, and he has had his…’, it was during the

time of mating dance.

As she lifted the brush to hit it. Torsten said

are mad at”.

He was himself a figure which liked more to perform among common people, lowering

Torsten unhatched the connection to the telephone and next day travelled in his car

heartbeat - false and true.

“ You aren´t going to hit the dog are you? Slap me instead… Surely it is really me you

 “ Go away!”…

”Do you want me to leave? I have travelled far just to see you” There was a pause - of

“Come on, you devil…”. Zarah gestured towards the front door.

It is said Zarah Leander boosted Herman Göring under the table, if that was when, he

lived in Liljeholmen, at Liljeholmsvägen 8A, by the harbor of Mälaren, or in Germany when she

performed for the stab of the Nazis is unsure.

class in the Dramatic Institute (DI). “ Yes, I am old as the grave, and Allan here is three years younger

than me” in a gesture torwards Allan Edwall.

audience also will´. In this sense teaching the essence of intercause.

“ This … old, old legend … this …”. Torsten was once introduced for the resignation

Torstens teaching had the following elements; ´if the performer feels pleasure the

 “Success or fiasco, but not be a good boy”

This was the whole of his genial teaching in its’ essence.

He received all kinds of peoples, not only stars. One of them who came to Torsten,

at an early age, was Ted Gärdestad. The days before his claimed suicide, he visited Torsten, asking

for assistance. The still quite young star, had become part of the bagwa sect ( in Arabic – this would

implement something like an illegal fighter; and in Pali a master of his own). All members of the sect

were forced to carry the leaders picture around their necks. Ted had become a victim of his own

success and through the intense pleasure of many girlfriends, meditative drugs and material richess,

fallen into the trap of machokism. (That is, to cause himself harm, pain, and unreasonably strict

hygiene to push his genius onwards into further creativity for which his audience craved).

of releast criminals, where his rolemodel was his mothers’.

Torsten – besides his masterwork, also extracted in the social field, as a personal guard

 When young, he experienced his mothers’ strength, in being fearless of bulls. The bull

– backed of and snorted, but Ingeborg didn´t care but kept on walking through the fenced yard. The

bull – backed of and snorted, but her psycic strength were such, the animal didn´t attack. In such a

way, Torsten treated criminals, with lessons of singing. One of them used to escape from prison in

the following way; he went on lease around the prison and further on. When out of sight he began to

run. His guards chasing him. When he had tired them, he asked to be releast (of his handcuffs?). They

had to walk back alone.

One night Torsten went across Norra Bantorget in central Stockholm. As he was about to cross, he

saw a heavy built character, approaching towards him, the opposite way “be prepared…”, Torsten

murmured to himself ‘surely it is a stiletto’.

problem?...”. “Do you see what I have in my hand?..”. “Really! Look…! – Isn´t that a – such – a – st -

sti – sti – sti – sti…letto!”. Torsten said in a very silly voice ‘senil – old – idiot – panthomin’ “Damn old

bastard…”, the shadow exclaimed and went away.

“I need money”. A voice from a dark shadow in the darkness of night. “Isn´t that your

“You see he couldn´t attack a defenseless…”

His mother when he still was a youth – sitting under a kitchen table, cutting cows and

sheep from newspaper as siluetts in his own design. There was announced; the most life dangerous

intern in Östersund (Norrland/Jämtland) had escaped from the prison. He was a life danger! It was


“Is someone there?”. “Yes”, came an answer – it was – the life dangerous murderer,

“I do not permit you to be running like this out in the night. Harken! You enter, and we will have a

cup of tea and a chat”

mother…”Shouldn´t we call the police, so they can shelter you, it´s a cold night”. ‘My mother was

very firm you see; but, she never betrayed anyone.’

Stockholm – whose artistic leader he were for several years, one autumn evening – he was attacked

by criminals, wanting to penetrate the building –

His mother – sailed out in to the stair well and exclaimed in the darkness penetratingly

 Soon – the life dangerous intern became, like a baby in the lap of his

Torsten always practiced theatre in real life. As he was coming out of Dramaten in

“We hit you down, old bastard!”

But – Torsten – wouldn´t permit them to get inside. He – had practiced some falling

situations – already in Calle Flygares Theaterschool. As they hit him – he fell without hurting himself,

by this surprising the burglery – robbers – who, must have thougth he had past out. Unluckely – this

didn´t work with the “healthcare” – who gave him a shot – ‘swine – flou – vaccination’ – without his

outright consent – and – he developed a weakness which made the skincancer spread more rapidly.

friend - and, read some poems. In the night – he past on – to heaven hopefully…


He often – felt his presence, and longed to die – so he could meet him again in person…

He should have become 88 in 11th

He spoke much about Ottar, his best friend in his youth – who – had died out of

 march 2010 – but – the 6th

As young a gang of boys approached him violently

“To see a gay motherfucker like you!”.

“Think of me…I have to look myself in the mirror everyday…”.

The leader of the gang – said something so stupid – Torsten never remembered the

thing. This made the whole gang laugh -

“Since that day he was one of my best friends…”

Torstens’ sadness about his leaning towards homofili, sometimes impressed in him

such a depressed state – he wanted to jump out of his own window. But – the thought of his pupils

climbing the five flights – to his attic appartment with view over the woods of Nacka, on Ringvägen

163 – always cheered him up.


homosexuality to anyone, as far as I know. But – always warned against perversion of intrinsic

nature. He had tried it with woman – but he wanted a man – not only to have sex with, this he could

do in two minutes in the toilet (en la toilette), but – to speak with – to enfold – to love…really love...

may Allah grant him forgiveness of his sins, in this world – and grant him Paradise –

He spoke very pleasantly about so called idiots, which lacked the refinery of

He was a supporter of theirs’, almost everyone loved him, and he never preached


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