Eve Riimus, is a talented woman - with a talented style, but unfortunately, insightless in the demand
such a talent has to be nourished… to flower everyday, in the temporal world…
She, has the gift of second sight - seeing unborn forms which she unnecessary thinks it is proper to
put into a motive, to find meaning…
the Swedish atheistic unlucky name-system; ‘ate’ the goddess of unluck, is oppressing her talent in
the way of fear spreading - owing to the thought control police, which demms such talent as ‘crazy’
…. as to not spend days in a mental asylum, many aartists give in, to the social pressure, and , adapt
their life style.
in Eves case, mostly to her sambo, who isn’t much of a believer, except the spiritual teaching Eve
has induced in him, over their 22 years or so together…
the evil of a soul, attracts light - like a black hole, and in return to usurpt light - the witch offers a
pleasant life, in sinful luxury…
Eve - is a specialist in portrait making - owing much to her psycic gift - which makes her see pink
clouds, even in the most breathtaking thunderstorm…
her art is gushing of beautiful shapes - disguised symbols of love - and breathtaking sublimity
although, simply a few works are worth collecting… but these works anyhow, show the potentiality
of what could develop into a real genius…
sometimes - looking at her pictures - is a chance of risk; the forms - sometimes almost sips from the
canvas - into the aura of the beholder - and begins a conversation with him…
certain form - seems to connect the mind of the beholder - with parallel dimensions - like it was a
telephone junction…
among other things - she educated herself as Ph. D. in psychology, and philosophy… - with the
intention - of helping others out of the claws of torturous insane, ‘doctors’ in ‘psychiatry’ or
whatever.. this secret - she never speaks - but, we divine, that this was a tactical move - aiming
besides others to protect her own freedom of expression …. if you claim - your painting to be full of
symbols - instead of revelation of parallel nature - you could be excused…
some people , have becomed paranoid - with the word ‘revelation’ and bluntly wonders, ‘isn’t Profet
Muhammad the last Prophet?..’ yes - but - revelation is (blessing of peace over Nabi Muammad and
his compainions..), not only in Prophetical form...
Eve Riimus days - are spent mostly doing the housework; cooking food, of splendid taste,
contemplating, praying, and other useful tasks for her loves ones…
at a time - she was even working with designing symbols for Jas -Gripen fighter in the Mind Control
Project, ‘human machine interaction’,
but because of her sensitiveness, of intellect, she soon understood the unmorality, in testing pilots
subjected to strong G-forces, and, existing in an environment, stung thorough by electromagnetic
waves, which caused most associates to die out of cancer, sooner or later…
at times - she’s been working - as an analyst, and most of her clients came because they ‘liked’ her
photo in the advertisement…
her analysis, was mostly an emotional support, and understanding which many might think to be
stupidity, neglecting, unluckily, the keen intelligence of sharp distinction, which , Eve possesses much
of, but often doesn’t use…
her upbringing in occupied Estonia - has unfortunately molded her to mass instead of quality , which
has disturbed her sensitive talent and made her cling to material, in a post traumatic stress, which
sometimes comes as a panic of death… to have many proofs of a certain talent - instead of a few of
genial haikus, is the only possible way of survival, in a communistic perestrojka… that is, even to be a
little artful, is a risk, cause the loose grip is a trap…
but from Riimus few, I would say genial ‘haikus’, are worth to be seen by a greater audience, I
think even though the great figure Torsten Föllinger, when exposed to her work, ‘Gate of Hell’
exclaimed, ‘she’s a genius in painting this.. do you really mean!...’ he pointed towards her way of
drawing the lines…
a few years ago - Eve wished, to get the debt her younger brother had been owing her - since she
helped him to move to Sweden in the 1990 ties, back.
he refused, and the court, even though Eve had his signature and date of lending out the many sums,
on a handwritten contract - turned her down - and she, plus loosing the debt of 220 000 sw had to
pay the fee of the lawyers at 600 000 about it - this made a large economical sudden crash in her life
- and besides that the confidence in her sambo were at question- cause he did a lousy statement in
the witnesses’ chair.
strangely enough - her almost two million Swedish kronor in apartment ownership - were soon after
this incident, written over on her sambos’ name…
so - Eve , is now even more forced to rely, upon relations with people , she’s too smart for…
psykoanalysens moderna indulgens...
känslan utav ytterligare uppskjuten dispens
förtalande synder för den som icke skämms
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