onsdag 20 mars 2013

Vacker dedikation?

18 Mars 2013

Dear Marcus

So we agree on lots of things and we disagree on lots of things. Poetry is part of both our existences, probably keeps us alive… What afford FOLKMUSIC - no one comes any longer - a few creates (without sound equipment does not pay my rent!) and, friendly, now I get a free trip to New York City, talking about my life in Greenwich Village, I will buy too many books I havn’t read before…. Old friends will commit me to rest a month… I hope to set (see?) new poetry books from old friends. Good food, the best, in Chinatown - some theatre and I’m glad to come back to my street. So take care. Write more poetry, and just keep on going.

denna dedikation, har understrykningar 'sound equipment', hälsosam utrustning... samma författare som skrivit dedikationen, har även uttalat sig positivt om pjäs-stycket 'Bakom stängda dörrar' -

’this – is the single best piece – I’ve seen written on psychiatry – much better – than all those articles in Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter... – (Written on psychiatry as practiced in hospitals today...)'

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